Some thoughts

I think no country is really perfect, every has it’s own struggles and bad sides, but you should always look on both sides. In the beginning a country can be so exiting and awesome that you maybe don’t see the bad sites but there are always some, and you should not oversee them. But also …

Thoughts on traveling alone

Traveling alone can be very great, you take as much time for something as you want, for example I spend more than 1 h just sitting at the street and listening to street musicians, which my friends would have found very boring. You have also very much time for yourself, you can think about very …

Embassys are bullshit

Why are there embassys when they open at 8 am and close three hours later?! I thought embassys are there that you can contact them when you have an emergency. Luckily mine is not really that big of a problem and I can handle it without the embassy, but nevertheless, dafuq embassys? At least stay …